外国語 PR

備忘録:Advanced English Vocabulary Words and Pharasal Verbs


Pharasal Verbs 句動詞
idiom 慣用句
noun 名詞

To pick up : 勉強せずに自然に覚える、学ぶ


My 5 years old daughter picked up some bad habits when she visited our neighbor’s house.

To be a strech: 現実からかけ離れている、困難な課題、できそうもないこと、こじつけ

Some words are a stretch.

I know that it’s a stretch, but could you walk my dog for the next 2 weeks while I’m gone ?

it’s a bit of a stretch. ちょっと言い過ぎ

To mark off:to do リストなどに完了チェックをつける、〔終了したことを示すために~に〕印を付ける、チェックする

To give away: 秘密の情報を〕漏らす、ばらす、暴露する

It was amazing that none of my students gave away the Christmas Surprise.

To clash with~: 合わない、矛盾している、かちあう、調和していない、~とひどい取り合わせだ

It’s not going to clash with the other words.

The green striped shirt and yellow polka-dotted panst clash with each other.


To Start out with: まずは~から始める

When you make bread, you need to start out with all of the ingredients.

To be lame: 物事や人がつまらない、ださい、あるいは面白くない

My boyfriend said that he was going to come at 6pm, but he didn’t come until 7.
Wow, that’s lame.

To go with : ~を選ぶ ※ほかにもいろいろと意味がある

I’m going to go with the daily special and a glass of wine.

We decided to go with the city tour instead of the museum tour.

To use up: 使い切る

We only used up two guessed.

If you use up the milk, please throw away the container.

If you use up the toilet paper, please take the roll out of the stand and ut in a new one.

To jump out at: 人がすぐに気が付くもの、目に飛び込んでくるもの

Nothing is jumping out at me.

Dan’s read hair jumps out at you, so he is easy to find.

Hail Mary: 最後の神頼み

After she broke up with him, he shim, he sent her flowers, chocolate and a love note as a Hail Mary attempt to win

A toss-Up: 五分五分、甲乙つけがたい

It’s a toss-up between “earth” and “fog”.

Botn teams are playing so well. It’s a toss-up between who will win.

Early on : 初期段階で、まだ始まったばかりの段階で

It’s early on in the game.

By the seat of your pants


似ている言い回しが、go with the flow.

aviation 飛行

I totally forgot about my presentation, so I just flew by the seat of my pants.

To be hit or miss

On the back of burner

He always chooses to watch soccer, so his girlfiriend feels like she is on the back burner.

To be clear cut

That’s a pretty clear cut “no”.

From an early age, it was clear cut that I wouldN7t become an engineer.

To throw off

The word is throwing me off. その言葉で私は混乱した。

The robber threw off the police by putting on a disguise.

disguise 変装

To go over your head

All the hints are going over my head.