外国語 PR

25 Advanced English Vocabulary Phrases for DAILY LIFE



To go on about

to keep talking, usually for too long

My granma would go on about stories from her childhood.

To scrub out

to make an effort to remove something

They were trying to scrub out a lot of German-sounding things.
I just scrub out all of the bad memories from that year.

To get ahead of yourself

to act prematurely

We are getting ahead of ourselves, let’s slow down.
I’m getting ahead of myself, let me start over.

To sign up for

to commit to something

She didn’t know what she was signing up for.
I didn’t know what I was signing up for.

To drill in a point

to really reinforce something

This will really drill in the point that Dan loves catching critters.

To come full circle

to end up in the place you started

I have come full circle, the cycle is complete.
Fashion has come full circle from when I was younger.

Right and left

in a quick way

Maybe I would just be beating everyone right and left.
That company is giving things away for free right and left.
She spends money right and left.

Even though

despite the fact that

Even though that is part of the US, it feels so diffetent.
Even though it snowed while we were camping, we had a great time.

To be tied up in

to have a deep connection

A lot of our favorite memories about food are tied up with nostalgia.
I have so much time and energy tied up in this project, I don’t want it to fail.

When I think back to it…

to remember someting from the past

When I think back to it, we did a lot of nice hikes.
When I think back to it, I’ve always had a big imagination.

A cop out

to avoid something that you should do

My answer is a bit of a cop out.
My execuse was just a cop out.
Trust me, it’s not a cop out, I’m really sick.

To win you something

to be successful in getting something

That’s pretty cool, but it’s not going to win you a lot of dates.
Yelling at people isn’t going to win you a lot of friends.
Telling the truth isn’t goting to win you a lot of votes as a politician.

Set the stage

to describe the setting

Let me set the stage for what holidays with my family are like.

To be experienced

to have knowledge gained over time

There were people who were more experienced than he was.
If you are going hiking in the mountains, it’s best to go with someone who is experienced.

The only way to become experienced is to practice alot.

To size someone/something up

to make a judgment

They are trying to size each other up.
When I saw the bear in the woods, he was sizing me up to see if he could eat me.

I sized up my competition at the hotdog eating contest.

Up until

to happen and then stop

He played baseball up until “coach pitch”
I played the flute in pur highschool band up untile my senior year.

For lack of a better word

not the best word, but it workds

There must be a tiny robot, for lack of a better word, that fights cancer.
I learned that trees can, for lack of a better word, talk to each other.

I must say that …


I must say that Dan’s cancer-fighting robots are a better idea than mine.

To justify something


Real estate is something that you can justify because it is an investment.
I wanted to justify buying a piano by saying I’ll learn how to play.

To cut someone some slack

to treat someone in a less critical way.

Hey, cut me some slack! I’ve been sick all week.
Stop being so serious, cut me some slack, it’s just a game.
I cut my student some slack because I know he’s been having a hard time at home lately.

To bring myself to do something

to take action

I could never bring myself to spending that much money on an expensive fish.
I can’t bring myself to post on Instagram.
I can’t bring myself to get an office job again.

A twinge of something

a sudden short feeling

I saw a twinge of regret in her eye when she talked about her cow.
I felt a twinge of envy when I heard my friends talking about their travels.
I had a twinge of regret about not ordering that chocolate cake for dessert.

To google something

to research something online