外国語 PR



Today’s Weather

Highest temperature 24 degree temperature
Lowest temperature 13 degree temperature
Sunrise 5:06
Sunset 18:13

I do not know why, but since I came back from Dakar(Senegal), I have kept coughing.
My nurse friend recommended me to go to doctor.
I agree. Something wrong with me.

Now I notes what I’d learned from YouTube channel. 
The theme is Work-Life balance.
I’m sure that this theme is important for me.
I’m not a workhorse type. I need to set clear boundaries between work and private life.


“Prioritize” means to arrange or deal with in order of importance.

She learned to prioritize her task to meet deadlines at work.
Priorizing family time over work commitments helped him achive a better work-life balance.
It’s essential to prioritize your responsibilities for a more organized life.

I prioritize my task first in the morning.


“Boundaries” refers the limit that define acceptable behavior and interactions in various contexts.

Setting clear boundaries at work prevents burnout and stress.
She established boudaries between work and personal life to maintain a healthy balance.
Understanding personal boundaries is crucial for a harmonious work environment.


“Flexibility” means the ability to adapt and change easily according to circumstances

Having a flexible schedule alllows employees to magage their work and personal commitments.
Flexibility in approach is key to achieving in allowing remote work.remote work.
He appreciated the company’s flexibility in allowing


Assigning tasks or responsibilities to others.

Delegating tasks effectively is essential for balancing workloads.
She learned the art of delegation to focus on more strategic aspects of her job.
Delegation is a valuable skill for efficient time management.


Productivity means the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input.

Time management is crucial for maintaning high levels of productivity.
Implementing efficient workflows can significantly improve overall productivity.
Balancing quality and productivity is key to long-term success.