外国語 PR



  • Easy on the eyes
  • Let your hair down
  • Lose your head
  • Head start
  • An eye opener
  • Go over your head
  • Come to my senses
  • It’s written all over your face
  • Face the music
  • Rack your brain

Easy on the eyes


That model is definitely easy on the eyes.
The trainer at the gym is very easy on the eyes.
Many people say that actress is easy on the eyes.
You shold give your number to him. He’s pretty easy on the eyes.


One-sided love

The teacher was easy on the eyes, so all of the little boys wanted to sit in the front row.

in the front row 先頭の列

Let your hair down


Unwinding リラックスする、くつろぐ

I had a really stressful day. I think I’m just going to let my hair down.

Mandy spent the weekend letting her hair down by watching 3 movies back to back.

back to back 続けて

I spent time at the beach, ate lots of food and really let my hair down.

It’s Saturday night! Why don’t you stop beging so serious and just let your hair down for a change.

regular basis 日ごろから、定期的に

We have our dance class review on regular basis.

Lose your head


compose 落ち着かせる
composed 落ち着いている

He usually stays very calm in meetings, but this time he lost his head.
I was afraid, so at that point I lost my head and started panicking.
If you get lost, don’t lose your head. Just think and retrace you.
After he ignored me, I lost my head and started yelling at him.
Try not to lose your head when you get stopped by a cop.

Head start


A good educaton gives your child a head start in life.
I’ll get a head start on the paperwork this weekend.
Cindy gave her younger brother a five minutes head start in the Easter egg hunt.

The inheritance money gave him a head start in life.
I was able to get a head start on my reading during the holidays.

An eye opener


The first visit to Senegal was an eye opener for me.
Her story about her childhood was a real eye-opener.

The movie was a real eye-opener for me. I never understand how serious global warming was before.
She said her trip to Japan was a real eye-opener.
The book was a real eye-opener.

Go over your head



I was furious that he went over my head and complained to my manager.
She would occasionally go over her manager’s head to complain to the top financial officer.

She was being sarcastic, but he took her seriously. The joke totally went over his head.

The students did not understand what the teacher said. Her explanation went completely over their heads.
A lot of what was said in the meeting went right over my head.

Come to my senses


Her death brought many people to their senses.
I wish you would come to your senses and look for a better job.
They are waiting for him to come to senses and realize that he was wrong.
His mother wanted him to come to his senses and start studying for his exam.
I wish you would come to your senses and break up with him. He is not a good guy.

It’s written all over your face


I know she’s guilty. It’s written all over her face.
I know my son stole the money. The guilt was written all over his face.
I can tell something amazing has happend. It’s written all over your face. Tell me what it is.
I know you did it. It’s written all over your face.
I know he is sad. It’s written all over his face.

Face the music


Michael broke a vase and had to face the music when his father got home.
After failing a hostory exam, Samantha had to go home and face the music.
Smith was returned to the US from Cuba to face the music for his part in a robbery more than 10 years ago.
When the missing handbag was noticed, he chose to disappear rather than face the music.
Stop worrying about it and just face the music.

Rack your brain


He’s racking his brain about how to deal with the situation.
My dad was racking his brain trying to remember where he put his wedding ring.
The student was racking his brain trying to remember the definition of the word ‘huge’.
The detective kept racking his brain to solve the mystery.