外国語 PR

I use these words every day: 40-minute English Vocabulary Lesson


To whip up something to eat

to quickly make something to eat

Sorry kids, I have to whip up something to eat first.

Come on, let’s go!


When it’s time to leave for school, I tell my kids “Come on, let’s go”
It’s time for danse class, come on, let’s go.

We don’t wanna be late!


I’m stuck in traffice, but I’m on my way


On My Way

I’m gonne run some errands

to do some necessary shopping

I better run

I need to go now

I better run. I’m gonna be late.

How was everyone’s day?


What did you do today ?


How was your day as energy saver? Did you turn off the light today?

What do you think ?


I was thinking about making spaghetti. What do you think ?

To start winding down

to end a task or calm down


Dinner’s finished. It’s time to start winding down.

To look forward to …


I’m really looking forward to this weekend because my whole family will be together.
I’m looking forward to seeing Prisca and Christelle in Tokyo!

I’m thinking about…, what do you think ?


I’m thinking about going to Senegal next winter, what do you think ?
I’m thinking about going to the gym tonight, what do you think ?

Be careful that you don’t …


Be careful that you don’t drop that.
Be careful that you are not snatched your iPhone.
Be careful that you drive too fast! It’s snowing outside.

Thanks to …


Thanks to you, I can teach English online.
Thanks to internet connection, I can work at home.
Thanks to my neighbor’s dog barking all night, I couldn’t sleep.

As far as I know …


As far as I know, I don’t think so.
As far as I know we don’t, but check the calendar.

Speaking of ….


Speaking of breaking things, we broke three bowls today.
Speaking of food, what are we going to eat for dinner?

We may / might as well…

may as well… ~した方がよさそうだ。~した方がいい。

You know what ? We might/may as well cancel now.

It doesn’t mean that…, it just means that…

This doesn’t mean that we can never play with your friend, it just means that we can’t see her today.

This doesn’t mean that you’ll always be working overtime, it just means that for this project we’ll need to work a little extra.

I would rather … than …

I’d rather learn English with Vanessa online than drive 30 minutes to learn in a classroom.

I’d rather work at home than go to the office taking 2 hours.

I know you like miso soup, but I’d rather eat something quick and easy than spend a lot of time in the kitcken.

Like clockwork


Every morning at 6 am, my baby wakes up like clockwork.

Slowly and surely


Slowly and surely, my two older boys will learn to help get themselves ready in the morning.

I’ve gotten into the habit of ~


Ever since my baby was born, I’ve gotten into the habit od getting ready right when I wake up.

I’ve gotten into the habit of slow jogging every morning.

Put it off


I have a list of things that I need to do, but I have been putting them off for too long.

It’s a hassel


Driving my son to school is such a hassle.

As it turns out


I tried to call the bank, the bank is closed today.
I went to the bank to get my credit card back, as it turns out, my card was not sent to the bank.

Go with the flow


I’ll just go with the flow! Anyhing is OK with me.

During the week, I try to stay organaized. But on the weekends, I like to go with the flow.

That being said


I like to go with the flow on the weekends. But that being said, I do sometimes like to have plans.

Now that I think about it


Now that I think about it, I forgot that we have a birthday party to go to tommorrow.

Now that I think about it, I had been depressed because of hard work.

That’s besides the point


That is beside the point. I just really want to go for a hike.

On a roll


I’m on a roll today. I got everything done on my to-do list, and it’s not even lunch yet!

They scored three goals in a row, they are on a roll.

Ahead of time


I try to make my kids’ lunches ahead of time, but I often just make them the morning of.

Get out of hand


Sometimes, during the week, dishes and laundry get out of hand because we’re so busy.

My garden is full of weeds. It get out of hand.

The kids ate the whole cake and the plate of cookies at the birthday party. After that, the party got out of hand!

It’s too bad


It’s too bad that we don’t have a maid who could help to clean up our house at the end of the day.

It’s too bad that we elected someone else who is imcompetent.

imcompetent: 無力な、無能な

When the time comes (for)


When the time comes for Matilda to go to preschool, our house is going to be very quiet.

I’m learning English so when the time comes for me to go to the US for vacation, I am going to be prepared.

I’m learning English so that when the time comes and we have some English spreaking clients at work, I’m going to be able to talk to them.

Some fresh air


I’ve been stuck inside all morning. I need to go outside and get some fresh air.

My kids are outside playing. They are getting some fresh air.

There’s something about …


There’s something about going outside and getting some fresh air that just makes me feel better.

There’s something about Sabar dance that just make me full of energy.

There’s something about Vanessa’s English lessons that I just love.

Come to think of it


Come to think of it, it is snack time. Let’s eat something!

Come to think of it, I haven’t heard from my gramdma in a while. Maybe I should give her a call.

To be spoiled


We are so spoiled because our neighbors share good food with us.

Her children are spoiled. She always gives them what they want.

The fact that


I love the fact that my neighbors support each other.

My family has finally accepted the fact that I don’t eat meat.