外国語 PR

Speak English in 30 Minutes: Advanced English Lesson(Idioms)


Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.


Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Get out of hand


It’s gonna get out of hand.

Change T to D

Birds of a feather flock together


Birds of a feather flock together

Sort through


I need to sort through all the movies in my iPhone.
I need to sort through my pictures frames to decide which one would be best for this project.

Look through


I’m gonna look through my pictures to decide which one would be best with this frame.

Brush off


I need to brush off the frame because it’s been collecting dust in the closet.

Clean off


I need to clean off the fingerprints.

Open up


I’m going to open up the back of the frame.

Break off


The little tab just broke off when I opened up the frame.

Take off


I take off the back of the picture frame and I put in my lovely picture.

Put in


I take off the back of the picture frame and I put in my lovely picture.

Put back on


I put the back back on the picture frame and close up the little tabs.

Set down, Place on


I could set this picture frame down on the table or place it on the counter, but I think i will hang it up.

hang up


come out


I was about to hang this up on the wall when the back kept coming out.

tape on


I decided that I needed to tape the back on.

Hammer in


I’m going to need to hammer in a nail in the wall.

nail 釘

Put up


I could put it up on the wall to keep it away from my children, but I won’t.

Keep away from


I could put it up on the wall to keep it away from my children, but I won’t.

set on


I need to carefully set my picture frame on the nail.

point out


When my kids come home they will point out that there is a new picture frame on the wall.

Lift up


I will tell them not to lift it up or even pick it up.

pick up

I will tell them not to lift it up or even pick it up.

Take Off


If, one day, I don’t want this picture on the wall, I will take it off.

pass down


This is not a picture frame that I’m going to be passing down through the generations.

give away


I probably wouldn’t even give it away.

Sweep up


Now I have to sweep up the pieces.

dump it out


I’m going to have to dump it out in the trash and tell my kids to watch out for pieces of glass.

watch out for


I’m going to have to dump it out in the trash and tell my kids to watch out for pieces of glass.

Throw it away


All I can do now is throw it away.

Pick out


I will have to look through my pictures and pick one out that’s good for the next frame.

Fall apart


Maybe the next frame will not fall apart like this one.