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Relaxing day(the 7th of September, 2024)



maximum temperature 33℃、minimum temperature 26℃

Today I do not have any plan.
I just stay at home and run some errands like grocery shopping, cooking, gardening and borrowing books from library.

I woke up at 4 am and slow-jogged as usual. Morning sky is always beautiful. I like early morining atmospere.
I’ve got the habit of slow-jogging.
I’ve kept it over 1 year.
It’s good for me. If I do not slow-jog every morning, I’m sure that my feeling run down.

Today I replanted the plum and daphne into larger pods. Hopelly the plum and daphne grow well.
Speaking of gardening, our garden is full of weed.
I pulled out the weeds. This is endless.
I also cut the crapia that was too long and replant them.

Now I will read book and go to sleep.