外国語 PR

Speak American English in 30 Minutes: Advanced Pronunciation Lesson


Stopped T

I bought some meat and took it outside.

Glottal T

グロッタルT(Glottal T)とは、アメリカ英語の発音において、強い母音と弱い母音の間に位置する「t」の音声が消える現象です。声門を閉じて喉元で息を止めるため、音を飲み込んだように発音します

The winner of the international winter Olympics has gotten an important award on the internet.

Contractions with “Will”

You will

You’ll = yull
He’ll = hull
She’ll = shull
They’ll = thull

Linking “S+Vowel”

How’s it going ?
There are cars in the sun.
He’s in the office.
She goes in the theater.
When he complains, it gets on my nerves.