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[備忘録] 10 Important English Phrases: Advanced Vocabulary Lesson(2023年2月13日、14日)



最高気温 16度、最低気温 3度
日の出 6:29、日の入り 17:19



To get out the door


to leave the place


I need to get out the door every morning at 8 am.

I help Theo to get out the door in the morning.

I help our oldest get out the door with Dan.

Have to say


insight 洞察、真相など


Talk about something
To offer insight or an opinion on something

My cousin is a lawyer, and I’m really interested to hear what she has to say about new law being passed.

I’m curious what you have to say about the new technology with AI and learning language.

It’s interesting to kind of hear what everyone has to say.

To be zonked


By the end of the day, I’m just zonked, and need to turn my brain off and just go to bed.



even split

Let’s split the bill fifty fifty. 割り勘にしよう

I don’t know if it’s exactly an even 50/50, but we try to split the chores.

It’s becoming more common to split the bill 50/50 on a first date.

Pro and con


The advantage and disadvantage of something.

Everything has a flip side. ものごとにはいい面と悪い面がある

Working remotely has some pros and cons. 在宅勤務には良い面と悪い面がある。

A pro and a con in the US is that people often struggle with knowing what to eat.

What are some pros and cons to learing English online ?

To up


I deleted social media from my phone , and after I did that, I upped my reading alot. 読書の時間を増やす

I upped my water intske after I realized I am dehydrated. 脱水症状を起こしていると気づいてからは水の摂取量を増やした。

intake 摂取

over [my] head


Beyond someone’s ability to understand

The first time I watched “inception”, it is over my head.

They started Anne of Green Gables, but it was a litte bit over his head.

To be pressed

Have it in [you]


I didn’t know you had it in you. あなたがそんなことをできるなんて、知らなかった。

be blown away. ひどくおどろく、感動する

Cherry on top

I love my job and the fact that it pays well is the cherry on top.